Get Help
To get support from Hampshire Youth Access, please fill in a referral form for either yourself or your young person.
What is a referral form?
It's a form we use to get you to the right people and get the right support. In the form, we’ll ask you what you need help with, as well as asking for a few contact details so we can get in touch. Referral forms take no more than 15 minutes to fill in.
If you are a parent/carer, teacher, GP, Mental Health professional or other professional looking after the welfare of a young person, you can refer them to us through the Refer a Young Person form.
Important information - please read before making a referral
Please note that if you are referring a 5-10 year old in Hampshire, there is a three month waiting list.
When we get in touch, we may leave a voicemail. If you do not want a voicemail left when we try and contact you, please let us know in the referral form. When contacting to book a triage appointment we will send an email (or text if no email address is provided). Please check your spam folder for this email.
Referrals for 5-10 year olds in Southampton (SO14-SO19) will only be accepted from a GP, CAMHS or the NHS School Nursing team through Egress.
Referrals for 5-10 year olds in Portsmouth (PO1-PO6) will only be accepted from a social worker, GP, CAMHS or the NHS School Nursing team.
Re-referrals can only be accepted when 3 months following the last set of therapeutic support has passed. Therapeutic intervention requires elements of self-work, reflection and putting into practice any strategies taught during therapy.
Refer Here
Refer a Child or Young Person
Please complete the Refer a Young Person referral form to get support from our counselling service for young people aged 5 to 17 (or 24 for care leavers and SEND).
*Please be aware that we have high levels of data security on our website and mail servers. If you receive an error message in response to an email you have sent us, or you would like to confirm that your email has been received, please contact us on 02382 147 755.
If you are in crisis, please call the Samaritans on 116 123 or ChildLine on 0800 11 11
What happens next?
We will talk to you about your referral and answer any questions you may have about the service.
We will let you know about how long you may have to wait (please be aware that all parts of the service operate a lengthy waiting list).
We will help you explore what you can do and where you can go while you wait, and help you look at alternative options if this is what you would like.
As our bank of resources grows we would encourage you to explore that area of our website to find other sources of help and support.
Thank you for your patience.